Awareness availability is one component of your reality. Each choice- unique and singular- yet infinitely rooted in the moments before and after. This selection process within the material environment is controlled by the limitations of our current instruments.


You don't judge a movie by how long you sit in the theatre. You don't judge a song by how long you listen to it.  You don't judge a painting by how long you stand in a gallery and stare. You evaluate art by how it makes you feel. This is not rebellious or unique, it is human nature.


Our contribution is a realm of augmented experience created for the appreciative mind who wants to manipulate the limitations. Inspiring new extensions to be built, accepting light that cannot be seen, picking up vibrations of spiritual data usually left unreceived- reminding you there is more.


You experience your physical surroundings at will. You go to your choice of locations without pre-authorized permissions. Opt-ins, sign-ups, and check-ins are never required. 

‘Digital’ should no longer include the consequential hurdles of profit-driven products or historical data-collection. Instead, it should be a tool, in tune with the natural constructs of our current reality. Willingly, we convene through digital-physical interactions without recognition of a difference.


We must contribute to the idea of heightened human senses through conceptual interactions. Experiencing objects in the physical world, which your eyes cannot see and your ears cannot hear, promotes an idea to discover new layers within your current reality. Sense exists as an educational framework, channeling imagination through liberal arts and spirituality.